
John's Campaign

for the right to stay with people with dementia

for the right of people with dementia to be supported by their family carers

We are Core Participants in Module 6 of the UK COVID Inquiry, together with Care Rights UK and The Patients Association.


Along the way, we’ve built up a collection of resources. These are of a number of types: written resources, such as books, articles and individual accounts of experience. (Don't forget our blog site.) We've collected a number of videos, podcasts and audio recordings in addition to those on our YouTube page. Material resources which have been shared by participants include badges, banners; carer-awareness training, carer cards, charters, family rooms, passports and posters.

Everything we host can be used by you: please give acknowledgement where appropriate.


An eclectic selection of articles from the Observer and other papers, running from Nicci's initial article in December 2014 to the present time.


With the exception of Beloved Old Age everything on here is freely downloadable. We'd also like to draw attention to our activity books Please Tell Me and Please Tell Me More which can be purchased at cost thanks to the generosity of sponsors.


John's Campaign participants have been creative in the banners, badges, passports and posters that they've created to express their welcome to carers. They have shared images of these on their individual pages: you can search the collection here. If you are a part of John's Campaign perhaps you will be inspired to add to your own examples. Email them to bertie@wheen.online.


When people tell you their stories, they are giving an invaluable gift. If John's Campaign were better managed and resourced these pages would have built into volumes. These are the tiniest tip of the iceberg of experiences that people have shared and which have formed our movement. All we can say is thank you for all the conversations, emails, phone calls, facebook messages that have taught us so much.

Video of the Week

Like many good ideas. we spent several months selecting and posting a variety of videos that happened to take our fancy at the time. The plan was to do this weekly, then they got a bit more sporadic .... Enjoy a rummage through.


There have been particular moments when we have collected experiences into booklets: for the London conference at Imperial Healthcare in 2016 (Voices I), the 2017 Scottish conference in Lanarkshire (Voices II). Then there was the collection of mental health related testimony following the Age UK sponsored workshop in November 2017 (Voices III) and the presentation volume of pledges from all the English acute hospital trusts which we presented to CNO Jane Cummings in June 2018 (Voices IV).

We are Core Participants in Module 6 of the UK COVID Inquiry, together with Care Rights UK and The Patients Association.


Along the way, we’ve built up a collection of resources. These are of a number of types: written resources, such as books, articles and individual accounts of experience. (Don't forget our blog site.) We've collected a number of videos, podcasts and audio recordings in addition to those on our YouTube page. Material resources which have been shared by participants include badges, banners; carer-awareness training, carer cards, charters, family rooms, passports and posters.

Everything we host can be used by you: please give acknowledgement where appropriate.


An eclectic selection of articles from the Observer and other papers, running from Nicci's initial article in December 2014 to the present time.


With the exception of Beloved Old Age everything on here is freely downloadable. We'd also like to draw attention to our activity books Please Tell Me and Please Tell Me More which can be purchased at cost thanks to the generosity of sponsors.


John's Campaign participants have been creative in the banners, badges, passports and posters that they've created to express their welcome to carers. They have shared images of these on their individual pages: you can search the collection here. If you are a part of John's Campaign perhaps you will be inspired to add to your own examples. Email them to bertie@wheen.online.


When people tell you their stories, they are giving an invaluable gift. If John's Campaign were better managed and resourced these pages would have built into volumes. These are the tiniest tip of the iceberg of experiences that people have shared and which have formed our movement. All we can say is thank you for all the conversations, emails, phone calls, facebook messages that have taught us so much.

Video of the Week

Like many good ideas. we spent several months selecting and posting a variety of videos that happened to take our fancy at the time. The plan was to do this weekly, then they got a bit more sporadic .... Enjoy a rummage through.


There have been particular moments when we have collected experiences into booklets: for the London conference at Imperial Healthcare in 2016 (Voices I), the 2017 Scottish conference in Lanarkshire (Voices II). Then there was the collection of mental health related testimony following the Age UK sponsored workshop in November 2017 (Voices III) and the presentation volume of pledges from all the English acute hospital trusts which we presented to CNO Jane Cummings in June 2018 (Voices IV).